Kalmak-Ashu pass

Naryn Region • Kyrgyzstan • 3446 m
Kalmak-Ashuu Pass is located on the shortest access between Kochkor and Song Kul Lake. The pass is opened by a snow-blower at the end of May. and will close when the first snowfall falls in late October. But the nomads who wait each year for the pass to open will leave well before it closes. It is said that the pass is named "Kalmak" because it is from this pass that Kalmyk soldiers once attacked Kyrgyz on the Song Kul meadows.
The pass allows to cross the mountain range "Song Kul Too", and more precisely ridges called Bay-Duula which culminates at nearly 4000 meters of altitude. On the west side, from the lake, the road climbs gently through the meadows. On the other side of the pass, a steeper stone road winds through a gorge surrounded by scree. There are no yurts near the pass because it is very windy, but often you can see herds of yaks and eagles in the sky.