Altyn Arashan hot water springs

Issyk Kul region • Kyrgyzstan • 2520 m
One of the most beautiful places in Kyrgyzstan is the Altyn Arashan Gorge (Kyrgyz "source of gold".) Its scenic beauty, a gem of the mountain - Ala Kul and its hot springs, known for their beneficial properties, have Long captured the hearts of people who come here.The mountainous valley of the Arashan River is located 10 kilometers east of the city of Karakol.
The hot springs are located at an attitude of 2600 meters above sea level. They are known for their healing properties: radon and hydrogen sulfide. In the first source, a high concentration of radon in water has beneficial effects on the human body: accelerating the process of healing and resorption, in the nerve fibers of muscle and bone tissue, improves heart function. And hydrogen sulfide baths cure a variety of skin diseases, cardiovascular disorders, for the restoration and normalization of the nervous system, musculoskeletal system.