Car rent
You can use any car to go for a trip in Kyrgyzstan:
Rent a car in Bishkek
Automobile is not a luxury. It is just a vehicle. Indeed, in modern world which requires energetic activity and permanent development the automobile becomes essential part of daily life. Sometimes a vehicle is more than necessary. For example, your own car needs to be repaired and you have very important work or your vehicle is not really big to go for picnic with your family and friends. And maybe you have a celebrations or guests welcome. Or let us suppose if you are a tourist or a guest of our city. Of course you need a car to work, to go sightseeing or just to drive around. In these cases you can lease a vehicle.
Our company renders lease vehicle services. We dispose of fleet which is able to satisfy the most exacting customer. You will be astonished with individual approach and qualitative service. All of our vehicles are attended at the Motor Maintenance Station which provides qualitative and timely removal of any defects. You will have at your disposal a good motor in blameless technical condition.
As a rule the motors are rendered without driver. By the request of client it is possible to rent a car with a driver. The company renders transportation services as well. It is possible to order the bus with 8 to 50 seats for any route.
Leasing vehicles at you have got the number of services formed to cost of rent:
- Current technical maintenance and replacing vehicle for restoration period in case of defects arising.
- Getting an opinion concerned with operation of leased vehicle.
- Legal support and representation of Lessee interests at the Inner Affairs Bodies in case of motor accident.
- Motor damage and motor third party insurance (excluding cases concerned with wrong operation of leased vehicle, breaking the traffic regulations or driving in a state of intoxication).
And more! Leasing the vehicle in third time you will get 10% discount.
Renting a car in Kyrgyzstan is optimal solution of your transportation problems and the best way to stay portable and independent every day.
Terms of vehicle leasing
- Lessee’s age – 25 years and older.
- Driving experience – 3 years and longer.
- Minimal rental period – 3 days.
- The travels should be implemented in the Kyrgyz Republic.
- The mileage is limited with 250 km a day.
- Concluding the Lease vehicle contract the Lessee gets motor for temporary possession and usage with all necessary documents.
- At the moment of rent payment a Lessee pays guaranty fee which provides a Lessee obligations fulfillment according to Lease vehicle contract and also recover damages if established.
- Payment can be made in cash, by transfer or by VISA-Card and MASTER Card.
- The Lessee is obliged to pay full cost of vehicle in case of vehicle theft. In case of componentry loss a Lessee is obliged to compensate full cost of lost parts and pay for restoration concerned with loss according to Lessee Price List
- Lessee bears costs concerned with immediate vehicle operation including payment for fuel meeting to vehicle characteristics
- Driving the vehicle a Lessee has to follow vehicle technical operation rules and traffic regulations
- On the expiry of contract validity term Lessee is obliged to bring vehicle back in good condition and suitable for operation in further.
Documents required to rent a vehicle
To get vehicle for rent you’ll need following documents:
Drawing up the motor for natural person
- Valid passport (with city registration). Foreign citizens are required to have passport and paper confirming legal stay on the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic
- Valid driver’s license of Kyrgyz standard pattern or international driver’s license authorizing to drive B-class vehicle. The people who are not residents, posses not local driver’s license (issued at USA, Japan or Australia) can drive the vehicle only in presence of current international driver’s license. This license can be got at the consulate or auto associations of countries issued national driver’s license.
Drawing up the motor for legal person:
- Constituent Papers and Order for Director Appointment.
- Driver’s licenses of people authorized by legal person to drive leased vehicle.