Kilemche Jailoo
Naryn Region • Kyrgyzstan • 2500 m
Kilemche valley is situated in Jumgal region, at an altitude up to 3240 m., where some nomads families stay even in farms during the winter. It does not have steeps rapids, so it is more like a mountain valley and river flowing quietly and steadily. Kilemche jailoo has amazing beauty of meadows, where it grows a lot of herbs and flowers to delight the eye, like arnica, edelweiss and gentian. Mostly shepherds of the Kyzart village, are covering the Kilemche valley by their yurts and cattle. For some nomads is a 2 steps transhumance before to pass the summer at the Song Kul lake.
In winter, to get there is an epic adventure, with Nomad's Land you can enjoy horseback riding, shnow-shoeing, ski-touring or just hiking. The snow makes an beautiful contrast with red south side mountain of Kyzart Toer. The life there is hard, and mostly yaks will pass the winter there. To make your trip more adventurous, you can enjoy a night under yurt at the Song Kul's lake.